SCPS Magazine: Yashfeen 2023
January 1, 2024

University Life Experience

Pulling yourself through the university life experience can prove to be extremely challenging and a nerve-wrecking experience. After being schooled for almost 12 years or so in the same school, amongst the same people, the same company, the same ambience, when you land yourself into a group of 75 complete strangers where you’re bound to indulge into conversations, make friends with or without your consent, you go insane. Having everybody with different identities, backgrounds unlike that of yours, it’s a demanding experience and you have to own it. University life isn’t a bed of roses, take my word for it. To begin with, the opportunity to join SCPS did not come easy to me. I had to go through it all. The sleepless nights, the peer pressure of joining a prestigious university, the desire to be looked upon by my siblings, getting into SCPS has been nothing less than a roller coaster ride for me. When I walk through those corridors at 8 AM, my heart still pounds. The chilly wind, the rustling sound of leaves in the trees on a breezy morning, all this adds to a strange sensation; a combination of adrenaline that makes my heart pump through my veins, and excitement as to what this new day has in-store for me. Be it due to the scrutinising gaze of my fellow colleagues or the ambience of the building. It really makes you think twice before uttering a word/practising any move. You have to be particular in everything you do/say because like I said, you’re being watched at all times. At the same time, right choices, at the right time, between the right people can make it easy in terms of achieving your academics goals. If you’re fortunate enough, you find some people worth your while which could be anybody, a fellow colleague, a teacher. In my case, I came across a certain teacher, who helped me get through my notorious experience.  But then, you know how they say, nothing in life comes easy to you. You have to work for it. You’re bound to grind towards your goals in order to achieve them. Let’s not forget that hoping for a better tomorrow brings out a better self. Tomorrow might not be any better, but you earn yourself a fighting spirit that leads you on. The grind is everlasting so is your desire for perfection. Therefore, we must put ourselves out there, out of our comfort zone and survive and stand-tall like a champion. The greatest lessons in life tend to come from such gruelling times, therefor here’s your chance, at the university, where you sharpen yourself for the future ahead.

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