SCPS Students Engagement and Participation

Shifa Science and Research Society (SSRS)
Code of Conduct/Constitution
Shifa Science and Research Society (SSRS), is a society under the umbrella of Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and controlled by Student Affairs Unit. The core purpose of the society is to engage the students in activity related to science and ongoing research.
Article I: Aims and Purposes
The SSRS shall be a non-profit entity. The aim and purpose of the SSRS will be to serve the best interests of the students of the Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and motivate students to work and learn. The main aim of the Society is to:
- Impart a good understanding of research and the spirit to work for in related activities.
- Promote ethical values and practices in the medical profession among students
- Promote unity and joint action among the students
Article II: Memberships
Section 1: Eligibility for membership
The general body of the SSRS will consist of members as defined below:
Members are those who have met the following criteria, as interpreted by the Executive Committee, which shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, ethnicity or race:
- Must be a Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Science, student, alumni, staff, or faculty member, or employee of Shifa International Hospital or affiliated to Shifa Tamer-e-Millat University
- The Executive Committee would comprise of the Student Body, Faculty Mentor, Advisor Student Affairs and Academic Advisor
- Must agree to adhere to all of the principles laid out in this charter and do their best to try and follow decisions made by the Executive Committee
- If any of these above criteria are not fulfilled during the course of the membership, the Executive Committee has the right to revoke a member’s membership on disciplinary grounds.
Section 2: Advisor/Mentor
In order to facilitate the aims and purposes of the SSRS, the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson shall select one member, from among the faculty of the Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, as an advisor.
Article III: Office Bearers
Section1: Eligibility for Office
Members who have met the following criteria, as interpreted by the Executive Committee, which shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, ethnicity, race, religion or nationality, shall be eligible for office:
- Must be a current student of the Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences in good standing.
- Must agree to adhere to all of the principles laid out in this charter
Section 2: Eligibility for senior office bearers
Senior office bearers include President and general secretary
- Must be a current student of the Shifa College of pharmaceutical sciences in good standing
- Must be capable of overseeing the general management of all the activities of the SSRS as seen fit by Executive council.
Section 3: Model
The Executive Committee of the SSRS, which shall be elected for one year, shall consist of a President, general secretary, finance officer/treasurer, publications and marketing officer/media representative and batch representatives.
Section 4: Duties of the President
The President shall be responsible for:
- The general management of all the activities of the SSRS
- Calling and presiding over meetings of the Executive Committee and the general members meeting
- Controlling funds and expenses of the SSRS.
- Acting as, or appointing, a spokesperson, as and when required
- Forming special committees as needed for the execution of specific goals
Section 5: Duties of the General Secretary
The General Secretary shall be responsible for:
- Assisting the President in the general management of all actives and/or events of the SSRS.
- Temporarily assuming the functions of the President when requested as such by him/her, or if the President is incapacitated. In the latter case, the general secretary shall assume the Presidency for the remaining period of the term
- Acting as a liaison between the SSRS and the administration of the Shifa College of pharmaceutical sciences
- Maintaining records of all meetings of the SSRS, in the form of agendas and minutes
Section 6: Duties of the publication officer/media representative
- Overseeing all the publications of SSRS.
- Maintaining a record of all the previous publications of SSRS
- Managing all online publication accounts including Gmail accounts
- Presenting a quarterly report in the presence of the Executive committee on the status of the SSRS's publications
- Maintaining the SSRS’s social media.
Section 7: Duties of the Finance Officer/Treasurer
- Collecting all the funds received on behalf of the Executive committee
- Presenting before the Executive Board a quarterly report on the status of the Society financial affairs, including in it anonymous donations and total donations received by the Society
- Preparing the financial report at the end of the term of the Executive Committee and presenting it in the annual General Student meeting
- Presenting a quarterly report in the presence of executive committee on the status of SSRS's financial affairs, including in it anonymous donations, total donations along with payments made by SSRS
- Presenting the financial report at the end of the year of the executive committee in the presence of newly formed executive committee
- Maintaining the record of all the financial transactions of the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for systematic upkeep of books, writing disbursements, receipts, and showing of increase of funds in statements to be made public
Section 8: Duties of the Batch Representatives
- Maintaining the general body email list
- Maintaining a list of the general body members.
- Answering question and taking suggestions from the general body
Section 9: Decission Making
The decision on each and every matter in the Executive Committee meeting shall be reached in a parliamentary way with each member of the Executive Committee present at the meeting, voting on the matter. The Faculty Mentor, Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson in collaboration with the President, however, will have the final say on the matter and shall be responsible and accountable for the decisions s/he takes.
Section 10: Resignations
In case a member of the executive committee resigns his/her position or is otherwise incapable of fulfilling his/her duties, the president shall appoint a board consisting of two members of the executive committee who will propose a resolution of the matter. The executive committee, as a whole, shall then vote on it and the resolution shall come to pass. The process would only be implemented after the approval of the Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson.
Article IV: Elections
Section 1: Election time
Annual elections shall be held in the first two weeks of the Fall semester. The out-going Executive committee shall decide the exact dates as convenient. The new committee shall take office immediately after the conclusion of elections and approval by the Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson.
Section 2: Election Board
An election committee, appointed by the Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson, and comprising two individuals from among the members of the SSRS, shall conduct elections. Members of the Election Committee shall not partake in the elections themselves.
Section 3: Election Format
The election committee shall announce the format for elections one week in advance and conduct them in a just manner. The Faculty Mentor would then be selected by the newly appointed cabinet members.
Article V: Finance
Section 1: Contributions / Donations
The Executive Committee may accept any contribution in any form from any source consistent with the principles of STMU and the purposes of the Society.
Section 2: Usage of Funds
All funds collected for a specific cause shall be used for the particular cause unless a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee authorizes its use for a different purpose within the goals and objectives of the Society.
Section 3: Authorization of Expenditures
The President shall not authorize expenditure of more than 50% of the running balance of the Society on a single expense without the approval of the Executive Committee
Article VI: Amendments
Section 1: Proposal
A proposal for an amendment(s) to the constitution must be signed by at least five members and be emailed to the entire Executive Committee. They will then review the matter and arrange to have it voted on by the members. It is incumbent on the executive committee to pursue the matter within one month of it first being brought to their attention.
Section 2: Quorum
The quorum requirement for voting on amendments shall be 50% (fifty percent) of the total members plus one.
Section 3: Votes needed for an amendment
An affirmative vote by 2/3 of the members present shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendments.
Section 4: If quorum is not reached
If 50% (fifty percent) of the members are not present in a General Student Members meeting called for voting on the proposed amendment(s), another General Student members meeting shall be called for the same purposes within two weeks after the meeting, in which the quorum requirement as stated in Section 3 of this Article shall be waived and the proposed amendment(s) shall be discussed and adopted by a 2/3 majority of the members present.
Section 5: Proposed amendments confliction with Section 1A
Proposal for amendment (s) that does not meet the conditions stated in Section 1 of this Article shall be kept on record for the next elected Executive Committee.
Article VII: Dissolution
If a situation arises which makes the dissolution of the society inevitable, the Executive Committee shall ensure that any assets that are left after meeting all liabilities shall be transferred to the SCPS Student Affairs Unit Account.

SCPS Volunteers' Society
The official name of this society is SCPS Volunteers' Society.
SVS is a non-profit entity, which serves to provoke a sense of responsibility among the students and general masses to give back and serve their local communities and the world in general.
- Any person who wishes to become a member must commit to serve as a volunteer in any and every initiative by SVS.
- Membership can be attained by filling out the membership form.
- Students and Faculty of SCPS are eligible to apply to be a core member, however students from other departments and faculties are eligible to apply for an associate membership. Associate memberships are also open for general public.
- Members have the right to resign from the membership of SVS, but must provide due notice and reasons for doing so.
A committee of selected members will constitute the Executive Student Body of SCPS Volunteers’ Society, Faculty Mentor, Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson. The function of this committee is to support the principle objectives of SVS, The officers will coordinate, and oversee all activities in the SVS.
The following are a list of the officer positions, and their associated responsibilities:
The president shall be responsible for:
- Moderating the responsibilities of all other officers.
- Maintaining connection of SVS and its respective affiliates, such as other student organizations or corporations.
- Ensuring all actions taken do not violate the SVS constitution.
- Reporting to the Students’ Affairs Advisor and Academic Affairs Advisor.
General Secretary
The general secretary shall be responsible for:
- Maintaining all the record of the members and ongoing activities in SVS.
- Maintaining the logs of meetings.
- Prepare a report after completion of each activity.
The treasurer shall be responsible for:
- All monetary transactions of the SVS.
- Keep an account of all receipts and disbursements.
- Present financial reports as requested by the officers, and at the end of his/her term in the officer.
- Oversee the budgets of all activities of SVS.
Media Secretary
The media secretary shall be responsible for:
- Publicity of the organization, including distribution of flyers, posters, and maintaining the Society’s Website and social media pages.
Batch Representatives
The batch representative shall be responsible for:
- Maintaining a membership list from their batch.
- Informing the members from their batch about the upcoming events.
- Collecting Goods/funds from their batch.
While all officers have distinct responsibilities, all officers are expected to work diligently and reach out to one another, working as a single team. Likewise, all other responsibilities not listed in the constitution are to be shared jointly by all officers.
The following are guidelines pertaining to general election meetings:
- Open to all persons affiliated to STMU and Shifa International Hospitals.
- Must be called by the officers. A quorum (2/3) must be reached before any decision can be made on any issue.
- Members should receive notification of a general meeting at least two days before the date of the meeting, and the batch representatives must notify all SVS members of a general meeting. Announcement should also be made on the social media.
Executive MEETINGS:
The following are guidelines pertaining to executive meetings:
- The ASA, AA and Chairperson must approve of all decision taken in the general meetings.
- Any decision taken in the general meetings can be overridden in the executive meetings.
- General Secretary and the president must report about all ongoing and upcoming activities.
During a general/election meeting, all ballots received will be counted toward the accumulation of a quorum, which is 2/3rd of voting members. Provided that the quorum has been reached, which ever affirmative vote outnumbering the opposition will decide the issue. The number of voting members who are present during the meeting but who waive their rights by not casting a ballot will not be counted toward the quorum.
The nominees for the office positions will be elected by the core members in the general meetings every year, however final selection will be done after interviews held by the executive council.
An officer who wishes to resign must submit a letter of resignation to the rest of the office in the beginning of the semester only. The resignation shall take effect in two weeks after the submission of the letter, or as soon as a substitute is found, whichever occurs first. Upon receipt of the resignation notice, the office must immediately notify all members of such a vacancy, and start accepting nominations to fulfill the post. Nominations must be received within 3 days of the announcement. An officer meeting will be held on the fourteenth day after the submission of the resignation letter, to determine a substitute. Each candidate may present himself/herself at the meeting.
Impeachment of an officer or a faculty member must be voted on in an executive meeting.
Amendments to the Constitution of SVS have to be agreed by at least 2/3 of the executive council.

Shifa Adventure Club
Article 1: Name of the Society
The name of the Society shall be Shifa Adventure Club.
Article 2: Aims of the Society
The aims of the society shall be to explore the nature and to entertain those who have interest in travelling, adventure and to interact with people of different backgrounds.
Article 3: Membership
- All students and staff members of the Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University shall be freely allowed to join
- No one shall be charged membership fee
- By filling a membership form provided by the media secretary and batch representatives anyone can become member of the society, finally approved by President of the society.
Article 4: Committee
- Committee of the society shall consist of office bearers, faculty mentor, Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson of the society
- The Student Body of the Executive Committee shall consist of the following members:-
2-General secretary / vice president
3-Media Secretary / public relation officer
4-Treasure / Finance officer
5- Batch representatives (one from each batch)
- All these members are elected in collaboration with faculty mentor in the annual meeting or Extraordinary meeting if necessary.
All members of the committee shall be required to be members of the Society.
- Faculty Mentor
One faculty advisor shall be elected at first meeting of each academic year. The faculty advisor shall provide continuity and assist the society in operating in a manner which is consistent with the goals and purpose of college and society.
- President
The President shall have overall responsibility for the affairs of the Society. He/ She shall chair all meetings of the Society .He/She shall have authority to act for the society within the framework of constitution.
- General Secretary
The General Secretary shall assume duties of president in the absence of the president. He shall be responsible for the arrangement of programs and shall assist the president in every matter.
- Treasurer
The Treasurer will manage the financial affairs of the Society very responsibly, in consultation with the President and the Faculty mentor. He/She will maintain the financial records of the Society. He/She will prepare and present to the Society and the University the end of year accounts and treasurers report for the Society.
- Media Secretary/ public relation officer
The Media Secretary shall be responsible for public relations. She/he will manage social media pages in consultation with faculty mentor and president of the society.
- Batch representatives
It shall be the duty of batch representatives to encourage the classes to take part in events and programs arranged by society and to promote the interest. In coordination with treasurer batch representatives shall be responsible for collecting of funds.
Committee Meetings
- Meetings shall be held once a month in coordination with president and faculty mentor
- Minimum 2/3rd of officers are compulsory to attend the meeting
- Particular place, date and time for each meeting shall be determined by the General Secretary.
- Notification/agenda for meeting shall be displayed 2days before the meeting.
Article 5: General Meetings
Annual General Meeting
- The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall take place once in every semester at the end of every academic year probably.
- It is compulsory to attend the annual meeting by all authority holders of society
- The place and time for meeting shall be decided by the General Secretary
- Notification shall be displayed a week before the day of meeting.
Extraordinary General Meetings
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society shall be conducted in emergency announcements to members of society,if
- Any amendment is required
- Any law is to be changed
- Anyone resign from society
- Any event to be arranged
- These decisions are to be made by 50% majority of society
- Date and time shall be decided by president along with faculty mentor
Article 6: Elections of the Committee
- The committee of the Society shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
- The authority holders shall be selected for the period of one year and shall be taking oath to follow the rules of society
- Nominations shall be made from the floor at the next meeting of each academic year. Self nomination is allowed.
- After the submission of nominations committee members to the ASA, the office bearers will be elected by the secret ballot
Article 7: Resignations from the Committee
- Resignation of any member from committee before the completion of year shall be given in form of resignation letter to the president and shall be approved by ASA, AA and Chairperson
Article 8: Management of Finances
- The finances of the Society shall be managed by the, Treasurer and President.
- At the end of each semester treasurer is supposed to present all the record.
Article 9: Amendments to the Constitution
- Amendments to this constitution shall be made when required by 50% majority of society and by the president.
- Amendments if held are announced by the president in case of emergency, in extraordinary meeting.
- In annual meeting recommendations for amendments shall be given by members
All changes are to be approved by the ASA, AA and Chairperson.

Article 1: Name of the Society
The name of the Society shall be the Eeqaz-shifa literary society.
Article 2: Aims of the Society
The aims of the society shall be to promote interest in, and knowledge of literature and to promote friendship and cooperation among those interested in literature.
Article 3: Membership
3.1. All students and members of staff of the University and students from other universities after verification by President and faculty mentor of the society shall be eligible to become members of the Society.
3.2. Any eligible person shall become a member of the Society on payment to the Treasure of Society of the appropriate membership fee, the amount of which shall be determined annually by the committee of the Society.
3.3. Any eligible person shall become a member of the Society on filling a membership form provided by the media secretary and batch representatives finally approved by faculty mentor and president of the society.
3.4. The voting members shall consist of students from Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences only. While the faculty and staff shall be considered honorary members without voting privileges.
3.5. It is mandatory for all voting members to attend the meetings of the society.
Article 4: Committee
4.1. Committee of the society shall consist of a office bearers, faculty mentor, Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson.
4.2. Committee of the society shall conduct the business of the Society.
4.3. The committee of the Society shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, or, if necessary, at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
4.4. The committee shall consist of the following members:-
a. President
b. General secretary / vice president
c. Media Secretary / public relation officer
d. Treasure / Finance officer
e. Batch representatives
All members of the committee shall be required to be members of the Society.
4.5. Faculty Advisor
One faculty advisor, who is also a member, shall be elected at first meeting of each academic year. The faculty advisor shall provide continuity and assist the society in operating in a manner which is consistent with the goals and purpose of college and society.
4.6. President
The president shall have overall responsibility for the affairs of the Society. He/ She shall chair all meetings of the Society, save where decided otherwise by the committee or where otherwise provided for in this constitution .He/She shall have authority to act for the society within the framework of constitution.
4.7. General Secretary
The general secretary shall assume duties of president in the absence of the president. He shall be responsible for the arrangement of programs and shall assist the president in the business of the society.
4.8. Treasurer
The Treasurer will manage the financial affairs of the Society, in consultation with the President and the Faculty mentor. He/She will maintain the financial records of the Society. He/She will prepare and present to the Society and the University the end of year accounts and treasurers report for the Society.
4.9. Media Secretary/ public relation officer
The media Secretary shall be responsible for public relations. She/he will manage social media pages in consultation with faculty mentor and president of the society.
4.10. Batch representatives
It shall be the duty of batch representatives to encourage the classes to take part in events regarding literature and to promote the interest. In coordination with treasure batch representatives shall be responsible for collecting of funds.
4.11. Committee Meetings
4.11.1. Meetings shall be held on less frequently than once a month during the academic year provided that suitable program material is available.
4.11.2. Particular place, date and time for each meeting shall be determined by the General Secretary with notification and agenda furnished the membership at least two days in advance of meeting time.
4.11.3. A quorum consisting of at least 50% of the members shall be required for meetings at which business is conducted.
4.11.4. The program at regular meetings shall include the following, not necessarily in order
a. Roll call
b. Relevant follow up of the minutes of previous meeting and overall report by president
c. Secretary and treasurer reports
d. Official business
e. Program
f. Announcements
Article 5: General Meetings
5.1. Annual General Meeting
5.1.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall take place in the second semester of the academic year, at a time to be determined by the committee of the Society.
5.1.2. No less than Seven days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given. The date and time of the A.G.M. shall be notified to the President and advertised by public notice within the University.
5.2. Extraordinary General Meetings
5.2.1. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society may be convened to:
a. Hold an election to fill a vacancy on the committee, should one arise;
b. Consider a proposal to amend this constitution or any other governing instrument of the Society;
c. Address any other circumstance not provided for in this constitution.
5.2.2. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened:
a. By majority decision of the committee; or
b. On foot of a submission to the committee of the Society of a petition signed by not less than fifty members of the Society.
5.3. No less than three days’ notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given. The date and time of the E.G.M. shall be notified to the Faculty Advisor and advertised by public notice within the University.
Article 6: Election of the Committee
6.1. The committee of the Society shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
6.2. All nominees shall be members of the society.
6.3. Nominations shall be made from the floor at the next meeting of each academic year.
6.4. Officers shall be elected at the next to the last meeting of each year by the secret ballot immediately following the close of nominations. They shall assume office at the close of that meeting and hold office for a period of one year. Election shall be by simple majority of votes cast.
Article 7: Resignations from the Committee
7.1. The resignation of any member of the committee shall be instituted by a letter of resignation to the President of the Society. In the case of the resignation of the President, resignation may be instituted by a letter of resignation to the Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson.
Article 8: Management of Finances
8.1. The finances of the Society shall be managed by the Treasurer.
8.2. No member of the committee of the Society shall receive remuneration from the Society, or use their office for personal financial gain.
Article 9: Amendments to the constitution
9.1. Amendments to this constitution may be made at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society.
9.2. Such amendments to this constitution as may be approved by an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society shall require the formal approval of the University before taking effect.

The official name of this society is SCPS SHIFA SPORTS CLUB
SSC is a non-profit society and the objective of this organization shall be to promote interest in and knowledge of sports and games and to promote friendship and cooperation among those interested in the Sports, polishing and promoting the spirit of sportsman ship among the students.
Section 1. All persons interested in the Shifa Sports Club who qualify as students, staff, or faculty of the SCPS are eligible for membership.
Section 2. The membership shall consist of members and honorary members.
Section 3. The voting members shall consist of students, while the faculty and staff shall be considered honorary members without voting privileges.
Section 4. Any full member who fails to show continued interest in the Society and its activities shall be impeached.
A committee of elected members will constitute the Executive Student Body of SCPS Shifa Sports Club. The function of this committee is to support the principle objectives of SSC. The Faculty Mentor, Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson, SCPS would also be the members of the Executive Committee. The officers will coordinate, and oversee all activities in the SSC.
The following are a list of the officer positions, and their associated responsibilities:
Section 1. The officers of this Society shall be President, Secretary and Treasurer with the possibility of adding other relevant posts such as Webmaster or Social Secretary if the majority of the members agree on the need of filling these positions. These officers and Committee Chairmen shall compose the Executive Committee.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings and to administer the affairs of the Society. He shall carry out the correspondence and business of the Society in conjunction with the General Secretary and Treasurer. He shall have authority to act for the Society within the framework of the Constitution.
Section 3. The General Secretary shall assume duties of the President in the absence of the President. He/ She shall be responsible for the arrangement of programs and shall assist the President in the business of the Society.
Section 4. The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Society and record the proceedings of the meetings. He/She shall furnish members with notification and agendas of meetings.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall maintain the finances and records of the society. He shall assist the President in the business of the Society.
Section 6. The media secretary shall be responsible for Publicity of the organization, including distribution of flyers, posters, and maintaining the organization’s Website and Facebook page.
Section 7. The batch representative shall be responsible for maintaining a membership list from their batch. Informing the members from their batch about the upcoming events. Collecting Goods/funds from their batch. While all officers have distinct responsibilities, all officers are expected to work diligently and reach out to one another, working as a single team. Likewise, all other responsibilities not listed in the constitution are to be shared jointly by all officers.
The following are guidelines pertaining to general election meetings:
- Open to all persons affiliated to STMU.
- Must be called by the officers. A quorum (2/3) must be reached before any decision can be made on any issue.
- Members should receive notification of a general meeting at least two days before the date of the meeting, and the batch representatives must notify all SSC members of a general meeting. Announcement should also be made on the social media.
The following are guidelines pertaining to executive meetings:
- The Chairperson, ASA and AAA must approve of all decision taken in the general meetings.
- Any decision taken in the general meetings can be overridden in the executive meetings.
- General Secretary and the president must report about all ongoing and upcoming activities.
During a general/election meeting, all ballots received will be counted toward the accumulation of a quorum, which is 2/3rd of voting members. Provided that the quorum has been reached, which ever affirmative vote outnumbering the opposition will decide the issue. The number of voting members who are present during the meeting but who waive their rights by not casting a ballot will not be counted toward the quorum.
The nominees for the office positions will be elected by the core members in the general meetings every year, however final selection will be done after interviews held by the executive council.
An officer who wishes to resign must submit a letter of resignation to the rest of the office at the start of the semester. No resignation would be entertained during the semester. The resignation shall take effect in two weeks after the submission of the letter, or as soon as a substitute is found, whichever occurs first. Upon receipt of the resignation notice, the office must immediately notify all members of such a vacancy, and start accepting nominations to fulfill the post. Nominations must be received within 3 days of the announcement. An officer meeting will be held on the following day after the submission of the resignation letter, to determine a substitute. Each candidate may present himself/herself at the meeting.
Impeachment of an officer or a faculty member must be voted on in an executive meeting and approved by the Chairperson, Faculty Mentor, ASA and AA.
Amendments may be proposed at any meeting and voted on at the following meeting. All members will be notified in writing of the proposed amendment and a period of at least one week must elapse between such notification and the vote upon the proposed Amendment.
An amendment will be adopted by a two-thirds vote.

Shifa Arts & Culture Society- عکس
Article I: Name
The name of this society shall be the Shifa Arts & Culture Society(ACS) عکس
Article II: Objectives
The objective of this society to sustain its multi-arts centres in order to provide a rich and vibrant range of visual, performing, and literary arts for the students. ACS organizes a wide range of events keeping in consideration the different interests of student in order to provide a creative and recreational outlet from busy routines.
ACS aims to provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone. To ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment
Article III: Conformity
The relation of this shall be governed at all time by the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of the Shifa Arts & Culture Society.
Article IV: Executive Committee
Section 1. All persons interested in becoming the executive member of Society who qualify as a students of Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences(SCPS), are eligible to become Society’s executive member.
Section 2. The voting members shall consist of students, the faculty and staff of SCPS shall be considered honorary members with voting privileges. Nominations shall be made on the basis of General Elections held each academic year.
Section 3. Any executive member who fails to show continued interest in the Society and its activities shall be dropped/fired by the Society. The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership.
Article V: Powers
In order to achieve its aims, the Society may:
- Generate funds
- Employ Staff/Members from other Departments.
- Organise Courses and Events.
- Work with other Societies and exchange Information.
- Do anything that is lawful which will help it to fulfil its aims.
Article VI: Officers and Their Duties
The officers of this Society shall be President, General Secretary, Treasurer. These officers and the President shall compose the Executive Committee. The faculty mentor, Advisor Student Affairs, Academic Advisor and Chairperson would also be members of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings and to administer the affairs of the Society.
Section 2. He/she shall carry out the correspondence and business of the Society in conjunction with the Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 3. He/she shall have authority to act for the Society within the framework of the Constitution.
Section 4. The President shall have the power to establish and maintain operation procedures of the Society, call meetings, and answer for all actions of the other officers.
Section 5. The President shall be able to vote in all decisions affecting the Society.
Section 6. The President shall hold the power to hire/fire any member of the Society if need be, consider Article VIII, Section 6 for the procedure of removing any member from the council.
Section 7. The President must report about all ongoing and upcoming activities.
General Secretary
Section 1. The Secretary shall assume duties of the President in the absence of the President. General Secretary shall be responsible for the arrangement of programs and shall assist the President in the business of the Society.
Section 2. The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Society and record the proceedings of the meetings and preparing a report after completion of any task
Section 3. General Secretary shall furnish members with notification and agendas of meetings.
Section 4. Maintain the membership list.
Section 5. Deal with correspondence.
Section 6. Collect and circulate any relevant information within the Group.
Section 1. The Treasurer shall maintain the finances and records of the Society.
Section 2. The Treasurer shall assist the President in the business of the Society.
Section 3. The Treasurer shall receive and distribute Society’s funds upon the authorization of the President and General Secretary.
Section 4. Make financial reports at all Executive Committee meetings, and at the regular meetings of the Society and coordinate fundraising activities.
Section 5. Supervise the financial affairs of the Society.
Section 6. Keep proper accounts that show all monies collected and paid out by the Society
Media Secretary
Section 1. Publicity of the organization, including distribution of flyers, posters, and maintaining the organization’s Website and Facebook page.
Section 2. Announcement should also be made on the social media.
Batch Representatives
Section 1. Batch Representative shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Faculty Advisor/Mentor, General Secretary and Treasurer. They shall serve until new officers are elected or until they are replaced by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The Batch Representatives Shall be responsible for maintaining a membership list from their batch.
Section 3. The Batch Representatives Shall be responsible for attending meetings of the Society.
Section 4. Informing the members from their batch about the upcoming events/functions.
Section 5. To act as spokesperson for the Class.
Section 6. Collecting funds from their batch.
Article VII: Management
Section 1. The Society will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of conduct and rules.
Section 2. Voting at Management Committee meetings shall be by show of hands. If there is a tied vote, then the President shall have a second vote.
Section 3. While all officers have distinct responsibilities, all officers are expected to work diligently and reach out to one another, working as a single team. Likewise, all other responsibilities not listed in the constitution are to be shared jointly by all officers.
Section 4. The Executive Committee may by a two-thirds majority vote and for a good and proper reason remove any Society member, provided that person has the right to be heard before a final decision is made.
Section 5. The Executive Committee may appoint another member of the Society as a Society member to fill a vacancy.
Section 6. Each member organisation shall appoint a representative to attend meetings of the Society.
Article VIII: Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1. All nominees shall be members of the Society.
Section 2. Nominations shall be made on the basis of General Elections held each academic year.
Section 3. Election shall be by a simple majority of votes cast.
Section 4. Only members of ACS have the right to vote at the Annual General Elections.
Section 5. Officers shall be elected at the next to the last meeting of each year. They shall assume office at the close of that meeting and hold office for a period of one year.
Section 6. An officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote.
Article IX: Memberships
Section 1. Membership of the Society shall be open to any person who is interested, willing to abide by the rules of the Society and willing to pay any subscription agreed by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Membership shall be available to anyone without regard to gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief.
Section 3. Membership can be attained by filling out the membership form and abiding the rules lay down by the Society.
Section 4. Dues shall be charged for membership in the Society.
Section 5. All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the Society will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of conduct that the Society has adopted and the policies and rules of Society.
Section 6. Students and Faculty of SCPS are eligible to apply to be a core member, however students from other departments and faculties are eligible to apply for an associate membership.
Section 7. Every individual core member and associate member shall have one vote at General Elections.
Section 8. The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by the Society but the member has a right to be heard by the Society before a final decision is made.
Section 9. Only members can cast vote in next General elections held for the selection of Society’s Office bearer. Also only members of the Society can stand for any post for the Society.
Article X: Executive Meetings
Section 1. Meetings shall be held no less frequently than once a month during the semester provided that suitable program material is available.
Section 2. Particular place, date and time for each meeting shall be determined by the General Secretary with notification and agenda furnished at least one day in advance of meeting time.
Section 3. A quorum consisting of at least 75% of the members shall be required for meetings at which business is conducted.
Section 4. The program at regular meetings shall include the following, not necessarily in order:
- Relevant follow up of the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Secretary and Treasurer’s report
- Agenda
- Announcements
Section 5. The ASA and AAA must approve of all decision taken in the Executive meetings. Any decision taken in the general meetings can be overridden by ASA and AAA.
Article XI: Finance
Section 1. Any money obtained by the Society shall be used only for the Society.
Section 2. Any bank accounts opened for the Society shall be in the name of the Society.
Section 3. Any cheques issued shall be signed by the Treasurer and President.
Article XII: Faculty Advisors
Section 1. The Faculty Advisor shall provide continuity and assist the Society in operating in a manner which is consistent with the goals and purposes of the Society.
Article XIII: Impeachment
Impeachment of an officer or a faculty member must be voted on in an executive meeting.
Article XIV: Amendments
Section 1. Amendments may be proposed at any meeting and voted on at the following meeting. All members will be notified in writing of the proposed amendment and a period of at least one week must elapse between such notification and the vote upon the proposed amendment.
Section 2. Amendments to the Constitution of ACS have to be agreed by at least 2/3 of the executive council.