Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Advances in artificial intelligence and cyber security are transforming industries and societies.  Powerful tools and technologies produced by computing sciences are redefining socio-political structures, standards of governance, arts, entertainment, education, healthcare, manufacturing, logistics and many other fields.  Shifa School of computing at Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University strives to equip faculty and students with the resources necessary to study, broaden and use the field of computing sciences to address a wide range of complex scientific, technological, and social problems. School of computing promotes innovative research and education programs in core computer science, artificial intelligence, cyber security, and multidisciplinary application areas.

Program Objective

The primary objective of BS(CS) specialization with Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security are as follows:

  1. Impart in-depth understanding of Computer Science field according to international standards.
  2. Convert understanding to innovations in the form of AI and cyber security.
  3. Build diverse careers in Computer Science as productive IT professionals, data scientist, security analysts, and entrepreneurs for the socio-economic development
  4. Prepare students for the graduate level studies and research to enhance the market demand.
  5. Develop effective communication, management and leadership skills to lead the national and international teams.
  6. Impart professional ethics and collaborative team player abilities which can play a great role while developing across other competitors.

Program Scope:

The need for data scientist and security specialists have been demanding in modern era, while solving many data-driven problems and providing security to the dataset. The way one imagines data is going to change in the coming years. Both artificial intelligence and security analysts, are the need for different emerging fields like data analytics, security specialist etc.


BS (CS) Program requires a minimum 50% marks at intermediate level. Candidate must have studied Mathematics at intermediate level. However, pre-medical students are allowed to apply with Mathematics deficiency.

STMU entry test or any other qualified HEC recognized and valid test like NTS, USAT, ETEA. 


The minimum duration for completion of BS degree is four years. The HEC allows a maximum period of seven years to complete BS degree requirements.


Degree Completion Requirements

To become eligible for award of BS degree, a student must satisfy the following requirements:

a) Must have studied and passed the prescribed courses, totaling at least 130 credit hours.

b) Must have earned CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of at least 2.0 on a scale of 4.0.

BS (CS) Core and Elective Courses Detail

Table for BS (CS): The Credit Hour Distribution of the Core and Elective Courses

Course Group Min No. of Courses Min No. of Cr. Hrs.
General Education Courses 07 19
University Electives Courses 04 12
Mathematics & Science Foundation Courses 04 12
Computing – Core Courses 11 39
Domain CS Core Courses 08 24
Domain CS Electives Courses 05 15
Domain CS Supporting Courses 03 09
Total 42 130

General Education Courses

Course Title Credit Hours
English Composition & Comprehension 3(3+0)
Technical & Business Writing 3(3+0)
Communication & Presentation Skills 3(3+0)
Professional Practices 3(3+0)
Intro to Info. & Comm. Technologies 3(2+1)
Pakistan Studies 2(2+0)
Islamic Studies/ Ethics 2(2+0)

University Elective Courses

Any 4 courses from the following list:

Course Title Credit Hours
Supply Chain Management 3(3+0)
Introduction to Chinese Language 3(3+0)
Introduction to German Language 3(3+0)
Behavioral Psychology 3(3+0)
Introduction to Management 3(3+0)
Introduction to Sociology 3(3+0)

 Mathematics and Science Foundation Courses

Course Title Credit Hours
Applied Physics 3(3+0)
Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3(3+0)
Linear Algebra 3(3+0)
Probability & Statistics 3(3+0)
Remedial Mathematics -I 3(3+0)
Remedial Mathematics -II 3(3+0)

Computing-Core Courses

Course Title Credit Hours
Programming Fundamentals 4(3+1)
Object Oriented Programming 4(3+1)
Discrete Structures 3(3+0)
Data Structure and Algorithms 4(3+1)
Information Security 3(3+0)
Operating Systems 4(3+1)
Introduction to Database Systems 4(3+1)
Software Engineering 3(3+0)
Computer Communications and Networks 4(3+1)
Software Design Project I 2(2+0)
Software Design Project II 4(4+0)

Domain CS CORE (Compulsory) courses

Course Title Credit Hours
Digital Logic Design 4(3+1)
Computer Org. and Assembly Language 4(3+1)
Theory of Automata 3(3+0)
Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3(3+0)
Compiler Construction 3(3+0)
Artificial Intelligence 4(3+1)
Parallel and Distributing Computing 3(3+0)
Information Security 3(3+0)

Computer Science Electives

(Select any FIVE courses from the following list)

Title Credit Hours
Agent-Based Software Engineering 3(3+0)
Big Data Analytics 3(3+0)
Cloud Computing 3(3+0)
Computer Graphics 3(3+0)
Data Encryption and Security 3(3+0)
E-Commerce & Digital Marketing 3(3+0)
Game Application Development 3(3+0)
Global Software Development 3(3+0)
Information Systems Audit 3(3+0)
Management Information Systems 3(3+0)
Multimedia Communication 3(3+0)
Real Time Systems 3(3+0)
Semantic Web 3(3+0)
Software Engineering Economics 3(3+0)
Software Metrics 3(3+0)
Systems Programming 3(3+0)
Topics in Software Engineering 3(3+0)
Visual Programming 3(3+0)

Domain CS SUPPORTING courses

Students need to take any THREE courses from the following list of courses.

Title Cr Hrs.
Business Process Engineering 3(3+0)
Formal Methods in Software Engineering 3(3+0)
Operations Research 3(3+0)
Simulation and Modeling 3(3+0)
Stochastic Processes 3(3+0)

Semester Wise Scheme of Study BS (CS)

Semester – 1 (16 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs. Lab. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Pre-Requisite
CS1112 Introduction to ICT 2 0 2  —
CS1111 Introduction to ICT Lab 0 3 1  —
CS1123 Programming Fundamental 3 0 3  —
CS1121 Programming Fundamental lab 0 3 1  —
CSHU1113 English composition and Comprehension 3 0 3  —
MATH1113 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 0 3  —
MATH1123 Applied Physics 3 0 3  —

**Pre-Medical students will study the Remedial Mathematics I & II in First year to qualify them for studying calculus and Analytical Geometry.

e-al students will study Remedial Mathematics I instead of Calculus & icaletry

Semester – 2 (17 Cr. Hrs)

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs. Lab. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Pre-Requisite
CS1033 Object Oriented Programming 3 0 3 CS1123 & CS1121
CS1031 Object Oriented Programming lab 0 3 1 CS1123 & CS1121
CS1023 Digital Logic Design 3 0 3  —
CS1021 Digital Logic Design lab 0 3 1  —
MATH1033 Probability and Statistics 3 0 3  —
CSBUXXXX University Elective-I 3 0 3  —
CSHU1013 Communication & Presentation Skills 3 0 3 CSHU1113

Semester – 3 (17 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs. Lab. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Pre-Requisite
CS2113 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 0 3 CS1033 & CS1031
CS2111 Data Structures and Algorithms lab 0 3 1  CS1033 & CS1031
CS2153 Computer Org. and Assembly Language 3 0 3 CS1023 & CS1021
CS2151 Computer Org. and Assembly Language lab 0 3 1  CS1023 & CS1021
CS2133 Discrete Structures 3 0 3  —
CSHU2123 Professional Practices 3 0 3  —
MATHXXXX CS-Supporting – I 3 0 3  —

Semester – 4 (16 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs. Lab. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Pre-Requisite
CS2023 Database Systems 3 0 3  —
CS2021 Database Systems lab 0 3 1  —
CS2073 Theory of Automata 3 0 3  —
CS2063 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 0 3 CS1033 & CS1031
MATH2023 Linear Algebra 3 0 3 MATH1113
CSXXXX University Elective – II 3 0 3  —

Semester – 5 (16 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs. Lab. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Pre-Requisite
CS3163 Compiler Construction 3 0 3  —
CSXXXX CS-Supporting-II 3 0 3  —
CS3113 Software Engineering 3 0 3  —
CSXXXX CS-Supporting-III 3 0 3  
CS3113 Operating Systems 3 0 3 CS2113
CS3111 Operating Systems Lab 0 3 1  CS2111

Semester – 6 (17 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs. Lab. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Pre-Requisite
CS2033 Computer Networks 3 0 3  
CS2031 Computer Networks Lab 0 3 1  
CSHU3033 Technical and Business Writing 3 0 3 CSHU1113
CS3043 Artificial Intelligence 3 0 3  
CS3041 Artificial Intelligence Lab 0 3 1  
CSXXXX CS Elective I 3 0 3  
CSXXXX CS Elective II 3 0 3  

Semester – 7 (17 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs. Lab. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Pre-Requisite
CS4113 Final Year Project-I 0 3 3  
CS4153 Parallel and Distributing Computing 3 0 3 CS3113 & CS3111 And CS1033 & CS1031
CSHU4122 Pakistan Studies 2 0 2  
CSXXXX CS Elective III 3 0 3  
CSXXXX CS Elective – IV 3 0 3  
CSXXXX University Elective III 3 0 3  

Semester – 8 (14 Cr. Hrs.)

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs. Lab. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Pre-Requisite
CS4123 Final Year Project-II 0 3 3 CS4113
CSXXXX University Elective – IV 3 0 3  
CSXXXX CS Elective V 3 0 3  
CSHU4022 Islamic Study/Ethics 2 0 2  
CS4013 Information Security 3 0 3