DMT Program

Within the last 4 to 5 years, Shifa International Hospitals Ltd. has been able to address the emerging demand of technicians through two and a half years of Associate Degree program. This group has changed the complexion of workforce and has significantly raised the benchmark of performance. This is only possible due to high quality academic programs coupled with excellent rotation and learning. The common thread through all applications of medical technology is the beneficial impact on health and quality of life. They all contribute to living longer, better and empowering citizens to contribute to society for longer. In so doing, they improve the quality of care, and the efficacy and sustainability of healthcare systems.

In last 65 years, Pakistan’s population has increased from 33 million to 201 million in 2018. With regards to the growth rate there seems to be a massive influx in this number in upcoming years. This outflow of population would accordingly require trained and skillful medical staff to cater for health care needs. Therefore we at SCMT have decided to target the circumstances in the shortest extent of time by introducing a One Year Diploma in Medical Technology.