Application Forms   

  1. Affidavit Specimen for Revised Degree [Download]

  2. Affidavit Specimen for Duplicate degree [Download]        

  3. Attestation & Verification of academic documents Form [Download]    

  4. Examination Candidature Form (SCM) [Download]      

  5. University Registration Form [Download]

  6. Student Leave Application Form [Download]

  7. Hostel Form [Download]

  8. Drop Out Form [Download]

  9. Clearance Form [Download]

  10. Elective Clinical Placement Form [Download]

SCM Prospectu]

  1. SCM Prospectus 2024-25 [Download]
  2. SCM Prospectus 2023-2024[Download]

  3. SCM Prospectus 2022-2023[Download]        

  4. SCM Prospectus 2021-2022[Download]    

Student Handbook

  1. SCM Student Handbook 2023 [Download]   
  2. SCM Student Handbook 2019 [Download]        

Policies for Internal Students

  1. SCM Research Policy for Students [Download]
  2. SCM Policy for Co Curricular & Extra Curricular Activities [Download]
  3. SCM Health Policy for Students [Download]
  4. SCM Grievance Policy [Download]
  5. Orientation Policy for Medical Students [Download]
  6. Institutional Scholarships Policy [Download]
  7. Code of Conduct for Students [Download]
  8. Attendance Notice for Students – February 2022 [Download]
  9. Electives Policy for internal Students [Download]
  10. House Job Policy [Download]
  11. Instituitional Scholarship Policy [Download]
  12. Policy Manual [Download]
  13. Policy for Re-sit Exam [Download]

Policies for External Students

  1. Advanced Placement & Transfer Policy for External Students- Class of 2027 [Download]
  2. Electives Policy for External Students [Download]
  3. Elective Clinical Placement Form [Download]
  4. Advance Placement Form [Download] 

Survey Forms   

  1. Graduating students survey
  2. Alumni Survey
  3. Employer survey
  4. Faculty survey

Policy Manual   

  1. Policy Manual [2023 – 2024]