Flood Relief Activities by Shifa Student society STMU.
September 9, 2022
Annual Volunteers Congress-2022
October 4, 2022


Shifa Inter-Scholastic Tournament (SIST) is a competitive tournament organised by the Shifa Student Society since 2012, where students from various universities are called upon to get together and challenge themselves in Islamic-based competitions such as Tajweed, Nasheed, Calligraphy, Jeopardy etc. as well as arts, sports, essay writing, debates, poetry, crime busters and many more! SIST is divided into two parts, the competitions during the day, while the evenings were reserved for lectures delivered by respected speakers and revered scholars.

SIST 2022 was organised flawlessly by the Shifa Student Society with its President, Hashir Khawaja, and Vice President, Nisma Khan, under the supervision of Dr Afrose Liaquat, chairperson student’s liaison committee. The tournament was organised on the premises of STMU, within the Shifa College of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences campuses. It was attended by the Vice Chancellor, Dean, faculty members and various teams who registered from Islamabad and different other cities. The event was organised with this year’s theme, ‘Glad Tidings to Strangers’, which focused on inculcating this message through competitions and talks during SIST. The theme explains that following the path of Islam and staying true to one’s values will be rewarded in the Hereafter, even if one will be considered an outcast or ‘strange’ in this life.

The participants’ skills were tested to the fullest. The competitions such as Tajweed, Nasheed, Naat and Calligraphy allowed participants to express their deep connection with Allah Almighty and RasulAllah (SAW). “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader” and “Jeopardy” tested their knowledge and reflexes in answering questions quickly. Essay writing, Journalism and Spoken Word tested their eloquence in speech and skill of the pen. Debates challenged their reasoning in parliamentary deliberation and justification. Bait Bazi tested their passion for Urdu poetry. Crime Buster and Scavenger Hunt tested the ability to find answers hiding in plain sight. Sports and E-gaming tested their physical and mental endurance. Arts and Drama tested their creativity on various platforms. Each competition presented its challenge to the participants; whether they won or lost, they departed with beautiful memories to carry with them forever. The competitors were welcomed by a special visit of Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan to the SCM Campus!

The cherry on top of the eventful tournament was the wave of wisdom gushed upon the audience by various renowned speakers: Dr Maaz Aslam, Sahil Adeem, Maulana Raza Saqib Mustafai, Dr Habib Asim, Khalil ur Rehman, Tuaha Ibn Jalil, and last but not least, a scholar popular among the Muslim youth who visited Pakistan for the first time since 1993, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan! Day 1 Talks took place at the Convention Centre, whereas Day 2 and 3 Talks and the awards ceremony took place at STMU Park Road Campus. From Dr Aslam’s emphasis on Muslims learning the meaning of the Quran, Nouman Ali Khan’s reminder to the youth of their unlimited potential, and Dr Habib’s statement that our country would prevail by understanding ‘strange’ ideas that required one to open his mind and heart, Sahil Adeem’s emphasis on Muslims being political to stand up for justice, to Maulana Saqib’s description that a true Muslim should be character emanated Islam; their talks indeed were sources of enlightenment in the darkness of the night.

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