Developing Health Slogans for Effective Health Communication By Year 4 Students of ComHS Clerkship

Twenty-four students of Year 4 clerkship group were assigned the task to develop health slogans / messages in groups on the curriculum themes of ComHS to be delivered in 8 weeks clerkship. These themes are: Obesity, Family planning, Healthy eating (My plate), Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Pollution (Environmental Health) & Child Health. The students were asked to select their target population and develop a health message for them. The purpose of this activity was to make the clerkship students cognizant with the current health issues and learn to develop health slogans that may be utilized for creating health awareness among general population. Each group presented the message developed by them and discussed their strategy to deliver the message across the audience using different means which included role playing, counselling session, social networking sites, conducting radio shows and advertisements as their mediums. Through this activity students realized the importance and need for effective health communication in order to address the abovementioned health problems.

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Visit to SOS Children’s Village, Islamabad By Students of Year 4 Community Health Sciences
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Visit to 10th Annual Public Health Conference
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