Tolerance and leadership at workplace
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Crossing the LoC: Integrating practical skills assessment

An educational development seminar titled “ Crossing the LoC: Integrating practical skills assessment” was organized by the Department of Health Professions Education on 27th April 2019. The session started with Dr Aisha Rafi giving a presentation on integrated curriculum of Shifa college of medicine and the latest trends in medical education regarding assessment so as to avoid redundancy etc. Then, Dr Muneeza Aamir Sami informed the audience about the work that the curricular task force had done in the past few weeks. Essential skills for practical assessments were identified and compiled year wise. She also briefed the participants about the group activity that followed. The faculty were divided into five groups from year one to five and each group had to design their table of specifications and integrated OSCE/OSPE for their respective years. This was followed by group presentations and concluding remarks by Dean, Shifa College of Medicine Dr Mohammad Amir.


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