Shifa Psychological Services Clinic: Empowering Minds for a Brighter Tomorrow
Established within the nurturing embrace of the Department of Clinical Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University in Islamabad, the Shifa Psychological Services Clinic (SPSC) stands as a beacon of support and guidance for the wellbeing of our community. This recently established state of the art clinic is committed to enhancing the psychological well-being of the university’s students, faculty, and staff, while also extending its compassionate services to the broader community.
At the heart of SPSC are its dedicated clinicians, who provide evidence based and professional psychological services for a range of psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, Autism, ADHD, PTSD, OCD and management of stress, anger and emotional dysregulation. These clinicians, under the guidance of specialized consultants and supervisors, ensure that individuals receive the care and attention they need to overcome their psychological challenges. The clinic is not just a place of healing but also a hub of learning, with a strong partnership with the Institute of Psychiatry for training purposes.
In its pursuit of excellence, SPSC benefits from an esteemed advisory board composed of experts in the fields of clinical psychology, Islamic studies, non-governmental organization, mental health, medical discipline and psychiatry. Their wisdom and experience guide the clinic in maintaining the highest ethical, best practices and professional standards. SPSC is committed to delivering services that prioritize the mental health and well-being of its clients above all else.
The SPSC isn’t just a clinical service; it’s a place where the human spirit is uplifted, resilience is fostered, and minds are empowered for a brighter tomorrow. It stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment of Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities to the mental health of its community, and it invites all to seek solace, guidance, and growth within its compassionate walls.
Clinic Staff

Prof. Dr. M. Tahir Khalily

Prof. Dr. Tamkeen Saleem

Dr. Uzma Masroor

Prof. Dr. Neelam Ehsan

Dr. Fatima Khurram

Mr. M. Nohman Malik

Dr. Wardah Ishfaq

Ms. Arooj Khan
The values driving the work at Shifa Psychological Services Clinic, SPSC, are:
- ایمان (Faith)
- خدمت (Service)
- کمال احسان (Excellence)
- تعاون (Collaboration)
- تحقیق (Research)
Undertake clinical research, particularly to develop contextualized, Islamically-grounded solutions to individual and population mental health problems.
Provide high-quality, affordable, evidence-based psychological services to individuals within STMU family and the general population.
Provide professional training for students enrolled in the various degrees with the Department of Clinical Psychology.
Undertake community activities to improve the holistic health of people
Psycho-diagnosis assessment:
Psycho-diagnosis assessment with and without report in the following areas. Neurodevelopment assessment for Autism spectrum (ASD) and Related Conditions, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders(ADHD), Specific Learning Disability (SLD) and Communication Disorder.
Therapeutic Intervention
Clinically supervised and latest therapeutic intervention are provided to children that include following
- Applied Behavioral Therapy (ABA)
- Art Therapy
- Play Therapy
Psycho-diagnosis assessment with and without report in the following areas:-
- Neurodevelopmental assessment for neurodegenerative Disorders, Delirium, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Other Age-Related Issues and Conditions Secondary to Brain Injury.
- Intellectual Assessment for IQ, Mental deficiency, General adaptive functioning
- Psychoeducational Assessment for learning Difficulties, Career Choices and Aptitude Testing
- Personality Assessment for General Personality Profile, Corporate Profile for companies
- Psycho- diagnostic Assessment For various Clinical Disorders
Therapeutic Intervention
Clinically supervised and latest therapeutic intervention are provided to adults that include the following- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Schema Focused Therapy
- Family and group Therapy
- Neuro feedback Therapy
- Supportive Rehabilitation services for chronic psychiatric disorder and Substance Use disorders.
- Self-efficacy
- Public speaking
- Career growth
- Crisis helpline
- Tele-therapy
- The SPSC offers different training programs and workshops for the students, faculty and professionals and organizations by on site and off site modes as well as out sourcing and insourcing mechanisms. The aim of the training and workshops is to enhance and update the existence knowledge of the trainers and professionals.
The SPSC offers consultation services to department and organization within the following areas.
- Curriculum development for clinical practicum and theoretical framework
- Clinical setups/ services
- Training and Development
- Experienced Mental Health Professionals – Our mental health professionals are highly trained and experienced in providing effective mental health services.
- Evidence Based Practice – Evidence based therapies are provided to the clients.
- Structured Approached – SPSC adheres structured approach with approved procedures for practices based upon standard professional and ethical guidelines.
- High Impact Advisory Board: We have advisory board comprised of senior professional from the field of psychology, psychiatry and related fields.