Shifa International Hospital and UN Office of Drug and Crime Unite Against Human Trafficking on World United Day

Shifa College of Medicine Celebrated 12th Annual Shifa Scholars’ Day
September 4, 2023
Upcoming SIST’23 Conference
September 4, 2023

On the momentous occasion of World United Against Human Trafficking Day, Shifa International Hospital (SIH) joined forces with the UNODC to raise awareness about the grave issue of human trafficking and discuss crucial ways to combat this heinous crime. The event, held at the SIH conference hall, brought together experts, members of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), legal workers, and representatives from the UN, creating a powerful platform to address this global challenge.

The event kicked off with an opening ceremony, where officials from SIH and UNODC emphasized the significance of collective efforts in eradicating human trafficking. Panel discussions featuring experts from different fields followed, highlighting the complex aspects of the problem and exploring potential solutions. Members of the FIA shed light on the current state of human trafficking in the region and the challenges they face in curbing this illegal trade. Legal workers from SIH shared their experiences in dealing with trafficking cases and stressed the importance of awareness and reporting mechanisms.

As a symbol of solidarity and a call to action, shirts and badges were distributed among the students and audience attending the event. The shirts bore the slogan “United Against Human Trafficking,” while the badges featured the UN Blue Heart Campaign logo, signifying compassion and support for the victims. This gesture aimed to create a sense of unity and commitment among the participants.

Throughout the event, students were actively encouraged to become active participants in the fight against human trafficking. They were urged to use social media platforms to spread awareness, report suspicious activities, and support organizations working towards eliminating this crime. Workshops were also organized to educate students about the signs of human trafficking and how to identify potential victims.

The event’s success was not just measured by the knowledge shared but by the motivation it instilled in the attendees. Participants left the event with a renewed sense of purpose, determined to contribute their part to this noble cause. The collaboration between SIH and UNCDC served as a shining example of how institutions and international bodies can work together to tackle critical issues plaguing humanity.

In conclusion, the event held at Shifa International Hospital in collaboration with the United Nations Office of Drug and Crime on World United Against Human Trafficking Day proved to be a significant step in raising awareness and encouraging action against this grave crime. By bringing together experts, members of the FIA, legal workers, and UN representatives, the event underscored the importance of a united front in the global fight against human trafficking. With the distribution of shirts and badges, students were inspired to take an active role, ensuring that the momentum generated on that day continued to drive change and progress in the ongoing battle against human trafficking.

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