Community Oriented Medical Education (COME) Seminar
July 28, 2018
Integration of Social Sciences in Health Professions Education
October 20, 2018

Reflection and Critical Thinking by Dr. Najam

A guest lecture was arranged by Dr Aziz Ali Najam on “Reflection and critical thinking”.
Dr. Najam has done Doctorate from the University of Sussex (UK), in N.M.R. Spectroscopy and Postdoctoral Fellowships at Essex University, Colchester and Brunel University London. He is a keen student of Allama Iqbal and Molana Rumi and has also written a book titled “Bishnau” Rumi for people of all ages. During this session he talked about the significance of critical thinking and reflection and gave examples from the Quranic verses and linked them beautifully with Iqbal and Rumi’s poetry and how we can incorporate it in our educational context.

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