Center of Integration in Learning and Teaching (CILT)
The Center of Integration in Learning and Teaching (CILT) Private Ltd. is a registered organization that was incorporated on 8th March 2019. The aim of the organization is to offer affordable and internationally accredited courses specifically designed to improve the quality and standard of Teaching in Higher Education (HE) in Pakistan and abroad.
CILT is managed by a team of local and foreign experts in the field of higher education. This team has an experience of 10 years in certifying Medical Teachers in various Medical Institutions of Pakistan. The courses are designed and delivered by our fully trained local faculty and by our internationally renowned Higher Education specialists from University of Liverpool UK who have developed and designed similar courses in other countries around the world.
CILT is in the process of getting accredited with the Staff Education Development Association (SEDA), UK and from October 2019, we expect that our ICMT certified candidates shall be eligible for gaining SEDA Fellowship.
Currently CILT offers following TWO 6 month duration Certificate courses in collaboration with Shifa Tameer e Millat University, Islamabad:
International Certificate in Medical Teaching (ICMT)
ICMT exists to help improve learning and teaching in medical education in Pakistan. To help you find the hidden teacher within.
The team has been on this mission for 10 years: local medical educators and international advisors.
We facilitate active learning and promote practical ways to improve teaching that are founded on evidence-based principles.
International Certificate in University Teaching (ICUT)
ICUT extends the CILT vision to all higher education in Pakistan. To help improves learning and teaching. To help you find the hidden teacher within.
Again, it is active learning and practical ways to improve teaching that are founded on evidence-based principles.
Our facilitators, our approach
The foreign faculty has 10 years’ experience in Pakistan and entire careers working in UK, New Zealand and internationally designing and delivering faculty development courses. Local facilitators have been fully involved in designing and helping to deliver ICMT; local facilitators will be trained for ICUT to ensure local ownership and sustainability.
These courses are facilitated by our foreign as well as trained and certified local facilitator right at the doorsteps of the teachers to facilitate them and limit their inconvenience as well as financial burden resulting from travelling to attend similar courses by other Degree Awarding Institutions.
We take the pride in being the pioneers in introducing such courses in Pakistan. Unfortunately, some universities have copied our curriculum and old teaching material and have started offering courses bearing the old title. We regularly update our curriculum and maintain a strict quality control mechanism to safeguard the interests of our candidates. Our certificate is a Certificate of Attainment not a Certificate of Attendance. Our foreign and local facilitators travel to institutions that are willing to host our course in any part of Pakistan. So far, we have conducted courses in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Sialkot, Faisalabad, Sahiwal, Multan, Rahim Yar Khan and Bahawalpur and have certified more than 1000 medical and dental teachers in Pakistan.
We have recently launched ICUT specifically designed for university teachers and we are optimistic that it too shall receive extensive patronage.
Center of Integration in Learning and Teaching is jointly collaborating with Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad and therefore our courses are recognized both by PMDC and HEC.
Prof. Dr. Arif Rashid Khawaja
FRCS(Ed), FRCS(Gen Surg), UK.