Admission Process
Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University is an equal opportunity higher seat of learning/education. There is no discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, colour, creed or domicile. Anyone who is academically qualified for admission and fulfills the eligibility criteria to the courses of study offered by the institute is encouraged to apply. There are no quotas and/or reserved seats. (These conditions may vary from time to time as per notifications issued by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) and Pakistan Pharmacy Council (PCP), Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) and The Government of Pakistan.
The selection of students is meticulously done by the respective admission committee(s) and approved by the Head of respective college(s)/department(s)/Institutes(s).
Details of the MBBS admissions – Session: 2023-2024 available here Download.
Details of the BDS admissions – Session: 2022-2023 available here.
Applicants aspiring to get admission in Pharm. D, BSN, MSN, DPT, MBA, BSMT, ASMT etc. at Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, needs to register online by following the step-by-step guide below;
STMU Step 1:
Head to the University website (www.stmu.edu.pk) -or- University online admissions portal by clicking here. Register yourself by providing general information and selecting your appropriate program from the list. Once registered, please fill in the required academic details along with scanned copies of your picture, academic documents and any entry test result you might have appeared during the current admission session (if applicable).
STMU Step 2:
Complete all the steps and print out the application fee voucher. Submit the application fee voucher in designated bank (mentioned on the fee voucher) at any branch throughout Pakistan.
STMU Step 3:
Wait patiently for the application fee voucher to be verified by the University accounts and IT department. Once the fee voucher is verified, your entry test card will be generated on the university online admission portal and an email shall also be sent on your registered email for information. Please take a print of entry test card for presenting to the test invigilation staff on the test day.
STMU Step 4:
Appear for the entry test on the day and centre as prescribed on the entry test card, and wait for the result announcement. You might want to visit University website for the test result followed by a merit list. If your selected on merit, an email will be generated to your registered email as well.
STMU Step 5:
The email in step 4 shall contain all the instructions for your documentary and interview requirements. You shall be offered provisional admission after successfully clearing your interview.
Detailed help and FAQs on “Online Admission Portal/Procedure” can be found <here>.
Step-by-Step guide on “How to fill online admission form” can also be downloaded from <here>.
The candidates who are eligible to apply for admission must ensure availability of the following attested copies of documents along with their application form. Documents can be required by the college/department/institute through either uploading electronically via online admission portal -or- presentation at the time of interview (as the case may be and defined by the respective college/department/institute).
- Recent Photograph (with white background, 1×1 inch) : (Four Copies)
- Recent Photograph (with white background, Passport size) : (Four Copies)
- Character Certificate : (One Copy)
- SSC / O – Level : (Two Copies)
- HSSC / A – Level : (Two Copies)
- Equivalence Certificate form IBCC for O/A Level : (Two Copies)
- Student’s CNIC / B Form : (Two Copies)
- Domicile : (Two Copies)
- Parent’s / Guardian’s CNIC : (Two Copies)
- MCAT / ETEA / NTS / ETS / HEC entry test result (as the case maybe) : Original
- NOC for other Board / University and Undertaking on : Original Stamp Paper submitted after the admission
- Mental and Physical Fitness Certificate to be submitted : Original after the admission
No application for admission will be considered unless completely made out on the prescribed form (hard copy or online) by the candidate. If any of the certificates/documents provided are found to be false or forged, legal action will be taken against the student and his/her admission will be cancelled.
General Policy
Initially, all admissions in Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University (STMU) will be provisional. Any candidate, whose particulars, certificates or any other document submitted with the admission form are found to be incorrect or wrong after the verification from the respective examination board, will be struck off from the respective college roll, even if the candidate has been admitted.
No show cause notice will be necessary for any action under this rule of admission. The candidate who fails to report for interview of admission on the prescribed date shall be considered to have forfeited his/her chance of admission in the respective discipline.
The students of other provinces of Pakistan can also apply if they have appeared in the entrance test of their respective province and will provide the result of the test. Previous year’s entry test will not be accepted.
If any student during his studies at STMU does not follow college rules or found violating disciplinary rules, will be liable to be expelled from the respective college. All cases of expulsion will be processed by the College head after recommendations by the respective disciplinary committee and will be forwarded to the Registrar for final line of action.
Application forms and photocopies of the documents of candidates who are not selected will not be returned.
The information provided here about the admission process and requirements for various disciplines of Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University (STMU) should not be taken as binding on the University. Information contained herein, including admission procedure, admission criteria, examination regulations, fee and dues etc. is periodically reviewed and revised by the statutory bodies/councils/forums; and the authority has the rights to change any rules, regulations and financial effects applicable to students whenever it is deemed appropriate or necessary.