Message from Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Tamkeen Saleem

Professor of Clinical Psychology/Head of Department

MS, PhD & Post Doc

Welcome to the Department of Clinical Psychology at the Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University. It is a diverse community of outstanding psychologists, diverse researchers, excellent teachers, trained students, and committed staff who are equally excited about teaching and learning in the classroom, research labs, and clinical setup.

The department was formed in 2017 and to date the Department offers both, BS and MS Clinical Psychology Programs. In the near future, we will be starting Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Advance Diploma in Clinical Psychology, and Psyche D. The programs and degrees in Clinical Psychology (BS, MS & Ph.D.) are recognized degrees for today’s practitioners, offering a comprehensive approach to clinical psychology education, seeking to produce high-caliber practitioner-scholars through a balanced emphasis on clinical supervision, research and practice, and commitment to excellence in education and training.

There are very few departments of Clinical Psychology in Pakistan that have their own psychological services clinics and are associated to a state-of-the-art medical hospital. The Department of Clinical Psychology has all these important assets to help students become skilled clinical psychologists.

I invite you to explore the web pages and learn about the richness of what the Department of Clinical Psychology has to offer.  You will find a vigorous and exciting community of faculty and students conducting cutting-edge psychological research and practice on problems ranging from neurodevelopmental disorders, memory, emotions, anxiety, depression, suicidal behavior, drug abuse, social relationships, culture and behavior. I am confident that you will find our faculty and discipline fascinating enough to join and achieve your full potential as a clinical psychologist.