Mother’s perspective; raising a differently abled child

Visit to the Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Developmental Disorders (RCCDD), H-8/4, Islamabad
August 19, 2024
13th Annual Scholars’ Day, An International Research Competition
September 9, 2024
A heartfelt meetup session with differently abled persons and their mothers was held at Shifa College of Medicine which was conducted by Dr. Sajida Naseem, Associate Professor department of Community Medicine Department on 26 th August 2024. Bringing together specially abled children, their parents and medical students at one platform in the Neurosciences Module in Year 3. This interaction of medical students and mothers of differently abled children was aimed to create a platform for open dialogue about the unique challenges faced by these families. Mothers shared their personal journey discussing day to day struggles and triumphs of raising a child with special needs. They highlighted the emotional physical and social hurdles they encounter, emphasising the resilience and strength that each family develops over time. The medical students listened attentively gaining valuable insights into realities of living with a disability. The session fostered sense of compassion and deeper understanding, underscoring the importance of empathy and psychosocial support in health care. This interaction was a powerful reminder of the need for compassionate medical care that acknowledges the individual experiences of every patient and family especially those with differently abled persons.

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