Award Distribution Ceremony 2022
August 16, 2022
Awareness session regarding using a white cane for persons with visual impairment.
August 29, 2022

An interactive session on the topic of Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis for the Class of 2026 was arranged in the module of Respiration by the Department of Community Medicine on Aug 22, 2022. Dr Razia Fatima, PhD in Public Health from the University of Bergen, Norway, delivered the lecture. She has 18 years of experience in Public Health and is currently holding the position of Chief Research in the Common Management Unit (CMU for Malaria, TB & HIV) Pakistan. 

Dr Razia briefed the students about the Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Pakistan, the TB control program and CMU. Students were also informed about major interventional programs for the control of TB, including an online reporting system and the National TB Programme helpline. TB-DOTS therapy and upcoming digital innovations in patient compliance in TB treatment were also discussed. 

Students took a keen interest in the lecture. The session ended with an overwhelming question and Answer session.   Dr Razia encouraged the students to participate in social awareness programs regarding TB.

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