Visit to Industrial Area: Learning Occupational Health
June 1, 2022
Walk for A Cause; Health Promotion Against Respiratory Diseases
June 23, 2022

The Department of Community Medicine SCM arranged a one-hour guest lecture on the topic of Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan for the students of the Class of 2026 on June 23, 2022. Dr Malik Muhammad Umair delivered the session. He is an HIV treatment specialist at the National AIDS Control Programme in the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Pakistan.

Dr Umair briefed the students regarding HIV Epidemic in Pakistan. He addressed the myths and stigma related to HIV and possible causes contributing to the rapid increase in the cases of HIV. He encouraged the students to participate in different activities to create awareness among the youth regarding the spread of HIV under the National AIDS Control Programme, Pakistan. The Year 1 students found this interactive session helpful and showed keen interest in joining hands with the National Programme. 

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