Head of Department Message

Welcome to the department of rehabilitation sciences where we produce the nation best rehabilitation expert in the health care field. The thing which distinguishes this department from the other universities in providing student’s clinical training in Shifa international hospital (JCI Accredited). The students visit during their clinical rotation and learn on bedside teaching under the supervision of senior clinical faculty and perform supervised clinical practice. The Second thing is student faculty ratio, Alhamdulillah we have foreign qualified, highly skilled and experienced faculty. We provide a positive learning environment, where learners feel comfortable enough to fully participate in group and individual activities. As we know in the field of rehabilitation sciences the studies are not enough to become a successful practitioner, for this, you need well-established labs and highly skilled faculty which make sure the proper hand on practice training.

Extra-curricular activities help students to learn about themselves and develop and use their skills and knowledge in different contexts. Such activities are an essential element of the university experience. That is why the department provides opportunities for extracurricular activities in the form of different sports club & societies, student day, sports week, study trips, visits to different hospitals etc.  

The department involves the students in community Services and nourishes them with Islamic ethical values. We train our student not as a rehab specialist, but a good citizen and a better Muslim.

Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Sajjad PT
HOD/ Associate Professor
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences