Reminiscing 2019
January 25, 2020
Thinking like a researcher
June 6, 2020

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Education

A seminar titled “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Education” was held on 29th February 2020. Dr Qassim M. Sheikh, Director Shifa School of Computer Science was the speaker at the occasion. He spoke about the various applications of artificial intelligence and how they can improve the quality of service in healthcare and education. Dean Faculty Health Sciences and Principal SCM Dr Muhammad Amir thanked the speaker and reiterated the need to train the faculty on the uses of AI. He also informed the participants about Global Institute of Human Development (GIHD) a new constituent department of STMU and introduced Dr Usman Hamdani, Director (GIHD). Dr Usman Hamdani spoke briefly about the aims and goals of the organization and how they can help the faculty of Shifa in applying for research grants.

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