Syed Mohammad Mehmood Abbass and Ali Haider Bangash secured 3rd position in Literature Review Competition organised by VFAHT
February 3, 2022
2nd Position in Women Volley Ball competition by LSF
February 3, 2022

2nd position in Volley Ball Competition by Hira Khalid , Anusha Khan , Zehra Hassan , Umme Abeeha , Sara Sohail and Amina Mehfooz

Certificate presented to Hira Khalid 2022-104(Class of 2022), Anusha Khan 2022-017 (Class of 2022), Zehra Hassan 2022-093  (Class of 2022), Umme Abeeha 2022-090 (Class of 2022), Sara Sohail  2022-077 (Class of 2022) and Amina Mehfooz  2022-015 (Class of 2022) for representing SCM and securing 2nd position in Volley Ball Competition by LSF, 2020

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