Biochemistry Faculty

The Section of Biochemistry at SCM is committed to providing an academic program of the highest quality that is comparable to international standards. Our aim is to train students in Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Genetics and Molecular Biology. At our college, Biochemistry has been integrated with other disciplines of Basic and Medical Sciences to help students learn the subject with clinical relevance. This not only motivates the students to learn the basic concepts of Biochemistry but also makes it easier for them to remember what they have learnt. We have introduced Molecular Medicine in our modules to teach disease pathogenesis at the molecular level with an emphasis on how current innovations in molecular biology are being used for disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Our subject is covered in relevant system-based modules using various diverse educational tools that stimulate the intellectual curiosity of the students. The teaching techniques primarily include small group discussions, lectures, case presentations, large group interactive sessions and problem-based learning. Dialogue and interaction between the faculty and students are an integral part of these sessions. We encourage our students to think independently and express themselves in small group sessions as well as in class presentations. We have highly qualified and competent faculty having PhD and MPhil degrees and research experience from reputable universities. To strive for excellence in education i.e. teaching and research our faculty has produced many research publications in journals of international repute. Department of Biochemistry also houses, Prof. Syed Qamar Alam Library which has large number of Reference books and journals in Biochemistry and Nutrition. We also have state of the art research facility i.e. Prof. Syed Qamar Alam research laboratory, which has a High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system with diode array detector as well as Gas Chromatography (GC) system. A PCR laboratory is also functioning for conducting molecular and biochemical research.
- A poster authored by Dr. Sumreena Mansoor was exhibited a for the National Organization for Rare Disorders’ Rare Diseases and Orphan Products Breakthrough Summit on October 21-22, 2019 in Washington, D.C.
“Spectrum of inherited metabolic disorders in suspected cases among children presenting at teaching hospital, Pakistan.
Poster author(s): Dr. Sumreena Mansoor (Biochemistry-STMU), Dr. Zarmast Khan (Paediatrics-STMU) - Nutrition Education Curriculum for training Physicians in medical colleges of Pakistan. Sumreena mansoor. International conference in medical education Turkey, 2015
- Clinical biochemistry teaching: use of peer debriefing by Pendleton’s rule as an instructional tool. S Hanna, 2017
- Perceptions of Borderline Students regarding Integrated Practical Examination of Basic Medical Sciences: A Qualitative Study. sumreena mansoor, Saeed shafi. Association for excellence in medical education
- Expression analysis of miRNA-143 and its target genes in obese population of Pakistan at 49th Annual CardioCon, 22nd – 24th November, 2019 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad. (Won 3rd Prize in Cardiology Research Award).
- Primary/secondary prevention and the concept of Cardiometabolic Center: A local Experience at 49th Annual CardioCon, 22nd – 24th November, 2019 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad.
- Career choices for post-graduation by Pakistani medical students,
at International conference of Medical education (ICME) October 2019, held at Pak China Friendship Centre, Islamabad. - Effect of BMI and body fat ratio on summative assessment of medical students, International Conference on Medical Education, at Pak China Friendship Center Islamabad from 19-22Oct. 2019.
- Teaching & Learning Ethics & Professionalism in medical education on sidelines of 5th ICME-2019.
- Nutrition education curriculum for training physicians in medical colleges of Pakistan. S Mansoor. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal 65 (3), 382-385, 2015
- Educational Environment of Trainees regarding Postgraduate Gynaecology/Obstetric Educational Environment in Allied Hospitals of Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi. I Kalsoom, S Mansoor, Pakistan Journal of Medical Research 58 (2), 93, 2019
- STREAMLINING LEARNING PROCESS THROUGH INTRODUCTION OF LEARNER’S LOG FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS OF PRE-CLERKSHIP YEARS. A Shaheen, T Zahra, S Mansoor, KI Qureshi, A Rauf, T Jaffery. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal 65 (2), 262-267, 2015
- Undergraduate Medical Students Perceptions Regarding Nutrition Education Curriculum at Shifa College of Medicine. S Mansoor. Isra Med J.2017;9(2);88-90
- Use of e-Learning tools in integrated clinical biochemistry. Sumreena Mansoor, Saima Saeed. JSTMU, 1(1.4), 2019
- Impact of the human genome assignment on biology, technology, medicine and society. Sumreena Mansoor, Almas Ashraf. JSTMU.2019, 1(1.8).
- Association of post exercise heart rate recovery with body composition in healthy male adults: Findings from Pakistan. Azam F, Shaheen A, Irshad K, Liaquat A, Shah SU. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol 2019: e12711. doi: 10.1111/anec.12711.
- Comparison of Bioelectrical Impedance and Navy Seal Formula to Measure Body Composition in Medical Students. Shaheen A, Javed N, Azam F, Liaquat A, Khan M, Alam SM, Mumtaz S. Cureus 2019. 11(5): e4723. doi:10.7759/cureus.4723.
- Effect of recombinant irisin on body mass index, serum insulin, luteinzing hormone and testosterone levels in obese female BALB/c mice. Majeed S, Shafi R, Moin H, Ashraf I, Irshad K, Liaquat A. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2019; 29(8):736-740. doi: 10.29271/jcpsp.2019.08.736
- Current Trends of Cardiovascular Risk Determinants in Pakistan. Liaquat A, Javed Q Cureus 2018. 10(10): e3409. doi:10.7759/cureus.3409
- The tumor necrosis factor-α -238G/A and IL-6 -572G/C gene polymorphisms and the risk of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: a meta-analysis of 25 studies including 9493 cases and 13,971 controls. Liaquat A, Shauket U, Ahmad W, Javed Q. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2015 Feb; 53(2):307-18. PMID: 25274950
- The risk of macrovascular complications in subjects genotyped for common IL-6 gene and TNF-α gene variants. Liaquat A, Javed Q. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2015 May 15. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2015-0322. PMID: 26020562
- The Association between Retinol-Binding Protein 4, Fasting Blood Glucose and Creatinine Clearance. Arham Javed, Rukhshan Khurshid, Farah Niazi, Humera Usman, Uzma Jabbar. Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 13 (3), 601-603, 2019.
- Urinary Retinol-binding protein 4 versus serum creatinine: Predictors of impaired renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes.Arham Javed, Maira Mahmood, Uzma Jabbar, Muhammad Waqas Rabbani, Faiza Aamer. Rawal medical journal 44 (4), 871-874. 2019
- Obesity, Body Mass Index and Risk of Breast Cancer: A Case-Control Study. M Mahmood, F Aamer, A Javed, MF Haq, R Yasmin. PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL & HEALTH SCIENCES 11 (4), 1528-1530
- Sumreena Mansoor, conducted a workshop on “Teaching & Learning Ethics & Professionalism in medical education”, in 5th-International conference of Medical education (ICME) October 2019, held at Pak China Friendship Centre, Islamabad.
- Shifa College of Medicine, adopted the integrated system of education and assessment in the year In this aspect, practical examinations are also being conducted in an integrated model. The Biochemistry Department has coordinated, The First Professional Integrated Practical examination for classes of 2022 and 2023, in the year 2018 and 2019, respectively, at Shifa College of Medicine.
3. Workshop titled, Integrated Contextual Modular Curriculum, a part of Faculty Development Program, was held at the Shifa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences from 10-13th December, 2019. It was facilitated by Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Khan (VC, STMU) and Sumreena Mansoor (Biochemistry-SCM).

Dr. Sumreena Mansoor
MBBS, MPhil, MCPS-HPE, PhD Scholar
PMDC # 42802-P
Faclty Reg. #850/42802-P/M

Dr. Afrose Liaquat
PMDC # 43368-P
Faculty Reg# 33480/43368-P/M

Dr. Saima Saeed
MBBS, M-Phil
PMDC # 27822-P
Faculty Reg. # 32912/27822-P/M

Dr. Ayesha Javed
MBBS. M.Phil.
PMDC Reg # 5807-B
Faculty Reg # —

Dr. Shaheena Khan
PMDC Reg # 80937-P
Faculty Reg # 196456/80937-P/M

Dr Saad Iqbal
PMDC # 82655-S
Faculty Reg. # 175417/82655-S/M

Dr Hijab Fatima
PMDC Reg # 109987-P
Faculty Reg # 160417/109987-P/M

Dr Amna Sarwar
PMDC Reg # 745078-01-M
Faculty Reg # —

Dr Hafiza Khansa Shafique
PMDC Reg # 111611-p
Faculty Reg # —